Story telling concepts

There is a lot more to story telling than people first consider, when people read a story in a book or watch films they will go through the flow of the stories the ups and downs getting to know the characters and navigating through the twists and turns of the story line, when these elements are poorly or vaguely communicated in the narrative or not set in the comprehensible order it can cause the story to be a bit fragmented or have plot holes and even have  characters that the reader can not identify with.

There are many story elements but a few basic ones are the setting, resolution and Point of View. The setting in the story is important as the reader or watcher can understand where the story takes place and in what time period. Even in fantasy and Science fiction it is also possible to be anchored in time by relating it to a true period from our past or identifying how far in the future it is set within that genre. This helps to  keep time in order and characters anchored to spots, making it easier for the author to keep track on there characters and help to progress of the story.

Having a flowing points of view among the characters can be a good for the expansion of the story as it can have the viewer/reader understand the story and characters more by showing what their points of views and opinions are during these situations this view is called third person Omniscient due to the fact that we are getting information from everyone rather than just one person, this can add to the drama influence the reader/viewers opinions and create alliances and conflicts between the characters. An example could be the characters are in a meeting trying to push their own agendas, while they are doing this we get to see whats going on in their heads and understand their characters more because of it.

The resolution of the story comes after the conflict or the climax this is where for example a moral reason might come into play where there has been a lesson taught to the main character which the watchers/readers can take away as well, it is also where lines of the story come to an end making it feel satisfying when it has all come together, this can also be used as a cliffhanger moment to leave the reader wanting more in a future instalment.

There are many other complicated elements to creating a good story, the main drive of the author is the characters the interactions and relationships with each other, it is also important to remember that even with description and dialogue that the reader can still be relied upon to use there own experiences and imagination. They will fill any small gaps in the story, and to develop a personal view of what the world looks like and how the characters look and sound. When book are developed into films the look of the film is down to those creating it and can often be different from what the reader visualised sometimes leading to disappointment.


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